Anyendall C

 ¡Hello every one!

 🌟🌎This blog is about the environment and the situation that is happening right now.Hmmm, I think the first thing I'll talk about will be about my perspective of what is happening, well, my general opinion is that we have a duty to take care of our common homes (the earth), and I feel that although bad things have happened for the planet such as the irrigation of the oil plant in the sea, I must admit that very good things have also happened in that aspect, from improving environmental education, to reaching to do global cleanups, all of this seems incredible and good to me, not for me but for future generations.🌍🌟

🌟🌍Now I will leave my opinion aside and base myself on the good and bad things that have happened in recent years. And after a lot of research I managed to know several things, there are people who are "Agents of Change" these, from what I understand, seek to change the perspective of people, making the change first in them, this seems very good to me and that their methodology is quite right to the generations of today, so that they can then teach them to the generations of tomorrow


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