Valeria V y Keidy R

Volleyball is a very famous, interesting and complete sport, In my opinion the volleyball is a very complete sport like I mentioned before, because the players have to know how to play in all the positions that the volleyball has. For example, if you are a setter you have to know how to play in all the positions too. And you also have to know the basics and that makes you a very complete player.

Others think that the volleyball is better than other sports, or many do not like this sport. Many finds this sport very complicated but the truth is that volleyball is a lot about rules and technique, personally It is sometimes a very difficult sport or sometimes it might be very easy. The only thing is that you need to practice a lot and have a very good technique. Sometimes you have to push yourself so that things turn out better for you and if you want to improve, be careful, dont push yourself too much. 


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