Fabiana Q y Nayara A

                   We can stop climate change

     We all know that climate change is a very serious problem that could mess things up pretty soon. We know that we need to act soon, or things will get ugly fast. Our opinion is that we need to solve this problem and do anything we can do to stop climate change. First of all, it is very important that we need to know the causes of this dangerous problem. Climate change is mostly caused by the high amounts of carbon dyoxide. We need to stop polluting the environment, recycle, reuse and reduce. We think that there are a lot of ways to stop climate change.

  We can't do much to help, but we can do things to help a little. For example, do not throw garbage in the street, sea, lakes, rivers, streams, etc. When going out, bring a bag to throw your trash in. Don't burn it, use the garbage bag you brought. Take it to places like the beach or the places we mentioned above. People usually throw garbage where they shouldn't and this causes pollution that causes "climate change." Young children see that bad example from their elders. In conclusion, we must all take care of the environment because global warming is very bad for living beings. 


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